Treatment At A Glance
50 minutes per area
Redness for 30 minutes
6 - 10 treatments
Once a week
Fibroids, pacemakers
Drink water, exercise daily, clean diet
Before and After
Treatment Information
What Is Body Slimming
Our Velashape Device utilizes and combines Radio Frequency, Infrared, Vacuum, and Cavitation(sound waves) making this body treatment truly amazing in delivering results. You will not find a better way to slim, shape or reduce cellulite in the body. Call for a Free Consultation. We can go over best plan of action customized for your unique body and goals. Recommendations are 6-10 treatments done once a week.
Is It Safe?
Yes, safe for almost anyone. Non-candidates include pacemakers, electrical devices, or large metal implants inside the body.
Who Is The Treatment For?
This is a completely non-invasive body contouring procedure. It works to effectively reduce fat and cellulite in areas that are often hard to treat with diet and exercise alone.
How Does It Work?
Velashape + Cavitation works by shrinking and killing fat cells in the body with Radio Frequency and Sound Waves. These fat cells are finally removed through the body's natural expulsion process. In doing so, Velashape + Cavitation gives the treatment area a more toned look, slimming the area and reducing unwanted pockets of fat and cellulite.
What Are The Advantages?
Results can be seen in less than 5 days with little to no downtime. Treatments can be done weekly and in less than 6 weeks of treatment you can lose many inches in the treatment area.
What Areas Can I Treat?
Back Hip
Front Thighs
Back Thighs
Inner Thighs
Bra Line
No Sunburns or Tanning. Drink plenty of water before your treatment.
How Many Treatments Do I Need?
How Soon Will I Receive Results?
4-6 days after each session you see a 10-20% change in the treated area.
Is It Expensive?
No, compared to the alternatives for body slimming these treatments are not expensive. Treatments start at $150 per session and you will need at least 6 to see good results.
Is It Pain Free?
There is a Vacuum included with the Radio Frequency which can take some getting use to. However, that vacuum can be adjusted to fit most comfort levels.
Can It Be Used On Teenagers?